Senator Farley Announces Maple Weekend Is March 18th And 19th

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C - Schenectady) asks constituents to help support the New York State Maple Producers Association by patronizing local maple providers on March 18th and 19th.
"This is the time of year when maple providers tap trees and produce great maple products such as candy, syrup and ice cream," Senator Farley said. "There are over 100 producers in New York State and everything they produce is local. By purchasing local Pride of New York products, we keep our dollars local and support our neighbors' and friends' businesses."
Senator Farley said during Maple Weekend providers will hold open houses and provide demonstrations. Participating businesses in Senator Farley's district include: Mud Road Sugar House, 261 Mud Road, Ephratah, Fulton County; Frasier's Sugar Shack, 144 Church St., Ephratah, Fulton County; Maple Valley Farm, 84 Harris Rd, Corinth, Saratoga County; and Nightingale's Maple Farm, 4767 Jersey Hill Road, Galway, Saratoga County.
According to the New York State Maple Producers Association, sap produced during one season varies from 10 to 20 gallons per tap. The production all depends on the tree, weather conditions, length of the sap season, and method of collecting sap. A single tree can have one, two, or three taps, depending on size and health.
For more information on Maple Weekend or maple production in New York State, visit the Association's website www.nysmaple.com.