Senator Alesi Secures Funding For Penfield Public Library

James S. Alesi

Senator Jim Alesi (R,C,I- Perinton) today announced that he has secured $16,500 in state funding for the Penfield Public Library. The grant secured by Senator Alesi will pay for the library's cost share of the expenses for book delivery within the Monroe County Library System (MCLS) for a full year. This will allow the Penfield Public Library to meet its obligations to MCLS without reducing materials or services for library patrons.

"The Board of Trustees, staff and patrons of Penfield Public Library are very grateful to Senator Alesi for making it possible for the library to pay its higher cost share to belong to the Monroe County Library System," said Mary Maley, Director of the Penfield Public Library. "The grant Senator Alesi secured for us will help us not only stay in the system, but also keep our place in the system's inter library delivery service. I am particularly pleased that our 2007 materials budget did not have to be cut to keep this service that is so valuable and helpful to our patrons."

Throughout his tenure in the Legislature, Senator Alesi has been extremely supportive of libraries and the crucial services and programs they provide our communities. During the 2006 session, the State Legislature passed a comprehensive budget which increased aid to public libraries by $20 million. Senator Alesi fought hard for this historical increase in library aid.

"I am very pleased to be able to assist the Penfield Public Library with this funding," said Senator Alesi. "Locally, residents are fortunate to have access to numerous community and university libraries. These libraries are an integral part of our community which seek to educate, entertain and enhance our quality of life."

Senator Alesi continues to be a major supporter of local libraries, securing hundreds of thousands of dollars for local library projects and facilities within the 55th Senate District.
