State Senator Parker Blasts Governor's Budget

Kevin S. Parker

Brooklyn, NY – State Senator Kevin Parker blasted Governor George Pataki's final executive budget, saying it "provides more support for wealthier New Yorkers, who don't need it, than it does for the working class families in our state who are struggling to get by."

Parker, Senator of the 21st Senator District in Brooklyn, said the Governor has "broken his promise to the people of New York by extending the sales tax on clothing which costs less than $110. We made a commitment to put an end to this tax, which hurts working families and small businesses," he said.

Even worse, Senator Parker said, is that Pataki's budget would continue the sales tax while also lowering the State's highest income tax rate from 6.85 percent to 6.75 percent. "We should first focus on cutting the income taxes of low and middle income New Yorkers, rather than those of the State's highest earners," Senator Parker said.

The Senator also blasted the Governor's school aid proposal, calling it "woefully inadequate." He said the Governor "talks about his commitment to public education, but he continues to appeal and ignore the Campaign For Fiscal Equity (CFE) court decision directing us to provide billions of dollars in additional education aid to our high-needs schools."

"The Governor is turning his back on yet another generation of New York City students who are being deprived of a sound, basic education," he said.

He also said the Governor's proposed tuition hikes for SUNY and CUNY would most hurt the students with the greatest need. "We should be opening the door to a quality college education for all students," Senator Parker said. "This budget will ensure that fewer young people can get the college education they need to compete in today's job market."