Krueger And Colleagues Expose Censorship In State Senate

SenateMajority also utilize a double standard when convenient. For example, while they prohibit Senate Democrats from mentioning any private enterprise, the Majority Leader has referenced private companies in his own mailings.
In another instance, while Senate Democrats are prohibited from mentioning their own “unofficial” websites, the Senate Majority routinely mentions their own outside websites.
There is also a huge disparity in the resources available to Democratic Senators. While Senate Republican mailings are all in four colors, Democrats are only permitted to use two colors (black and one other color).
Democrats are also prohibited from using “flat card” mailings, while the Majority has printed and mailed these pieces for themselves.
Democratic Senators’ websites also reflect the unequal treatment they receive at the hands of the Republican Majority. For example, Republican websites allow constituents to order brochures, view cable television shows, sign an electronic petition, conduct a local day care search and sign a guestbook, services which are not made available to Democratic members.
More information about the lawsuit can be found at: http://www.lizkrueger.com/REFORMINGLEGISLATUREindex.html