Krueger Decries President's Veto Of Stem Cell Research; Urges Colleagues In State Legislature To Pass State Legislation
New York—Upon learning of President Bush's decision to use his veto-power for the first time of his presidency—to block federal funding of stem cell research—New York State Senator Liz Krueger reiterated the need for the New York State Legislature to take the lead and pass legislation to further potentially life-saving research.
"President Bush's decision, while not surprising, is very disappointing," Krueger said. "Nonetheless his actions underscore the importance of New Yorkers not relying on this federal government to lead by example. The state legislature should approve proposed legislation which would allow for stem cell research—research a vast majority of Americans support."
One recent survey found that over 70% of Americans want to see stem cell legislation passed. The fact that federal legislation has already passed in the Republican-controlled Congress demonstrates the bipartisan support for stem cell research.
Krueger has introduced legislation in the State Senate (S.433B) which will enable
"This legislation is not only ethically wise, but is economically sound as well," Krueger said. "It is based on an understanding of the science associated with stem cell research, and is grounded with a thorough consideration for the bioethical concerns raised by this type of research."
Her bill does the following:
"Authorizes stem cell research, requires informed consent; requires the provision of information regarding embryos in connection with fertility treatment and informed consent for donation of embryos for research; prohibits the sale of embryonic tissue for valuable consideration; authorizes the use of state funds for such research; establishes the commission on cloning and therapeutic research; provides for the commission on cloning and therapeutic research to make policies and oversee such state-funded research; prohibits the cloning of human beings; defines relevant terms."