October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Brooklyn- Senator Marty Golden (R-C, Brooklyn) is urging any New Yorker with concerns about breast cancer are urged to call the Adelphi New York Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline and Support Program at 800-877-8077. For 26 years this program has been offering information and emotional support to women. Men and their families. Trained volunteers who are all breast cancer survivors staff the hotline.
"We can direct callers to resources in their own community and also provide telephone support through our social workers and volunteers," says Hillary Rutter, LCSW, the director of the program.
Rutter urges women to call the hotline at 800-877-8077, to discuss any concerns about breast cancer. "Help is just a phone call away," she says.
Senator Marty Golden stated, "I encourage all members of the community to contact that Adelphi New York Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline and Support Program. Early detection is the key to winning the battle against breast cancer, so we must be a better informed, more aware and more educated society to prevent this disease from damaging the lives of our family members, our friends, colleagues and neighbors."
The program is supported with grants from the New York State Legislature and the New York State Department of Health, as well as contributions from individuals and foundations.