Senator Golden To Honor Local Leaders In Celebration Of Irish Heritage
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C, 22nd District) is announcing that he will be honoring four local leaders in conjunction with the celebration of Irish Heritage Month tomorrow, Thursday, March 23, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus located at 3051 Nostrand Avenue in Brooklyn.
The honorees to be recognized include:
Police Officer Thomas Nihill, Brooklyn South Community Affairs
James Harrigan, Principal of Public School 229
Margaret Patricia Hughes Montaperto, Arts Development and Education
Danny Prince, New York City Firefighter
Millions of Americans trace their ancestry to Ireland’s shores, and during Irish-American Heritage Month, we recognize these proud citizens and their important contributions to America, those of individuals who have helped settle and shape our Nation, those who have made this community strong, and those who have been part of enriching our Nation’s character.
Senator Marty Golden will march in the Bay Ridge St. Patrick’s Parade on Sunday, March 26, 2006, a parade in which he served as Grand Marshal last year.