Senator Nozzolio Announces Senate Appoints Herb Marshall To Commission On Health Care Facilities In The 21st Century

Michael F. Nozzolio

Albany – State Senator Michael F. Nozzolio (R-Fayette) today announced that upon his recommendation, the New York State Senate has appointed Herb Marshall to serve as a regional member of the recently created Commission on Health Care Facilities in the 21st Century. The Commission will create a process to review information and receive public input concerning hospitals and nursing homes in the State and also make recommendations for the resizing, restructuring, consolidation and/or closure of such facilities.

“Herb Marshall has been a prominent public servant for nearly 30 years in Cayuga County, most recently serving as Chairman of the Cayuga County Legislature,” said Senator Nozzolio. “I am confident that his experience and qualifications will make him an excellent addition to this very important commission and will ensure that the health care needs of our region are addressed.”

In addition to Herb Marshall’s work as Chairman of the Cayuga County Legislature, he has served on several other committees including:
· Health & Human Services Committee and Highway Committee
· Chairman of Public Safety Committee, Finance Committee and Salary & Personnel Committee
· Full-time County Chairman and Budget Officer for 6 years

The Commission is comprised of eighteen statewide commission members as well as six regional advisory committees to provide input and recommendations on prospective changes to facilities in their region. The recommendation process of the Commission would be as follows:
· The regional advisory committees would report their findings and recommendations to the Commission on November 15, 2006
· The Commission would consider the regional advisory committees’ input along with its own analysis and would submit its report and recommendations to the Governor and Legislature on or before December 1, 2006
· The Governor would transmit the report with his written approval to the Commissioner of Health and the Legislature by December 5, 2006
· The Commissioner of Health would be directed to implement the recommendations of the Commission

“The creation of the Commission on Health Care in the Twenty-First Century will be valuable for hospitals and nursing homes throughout the state. “I could not be more pleased with the Senates decision to appoint Herb Marshall and have him represent our region on this beneficial committee,” Nozzolio concluded.
