Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz Invite You To Come And Join Us At The Great Walk In Solidarity With Immigrants
Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz,
CONLICO (Fraternity of Religious Leaders)
& The New York Hispanic Clergy Organization
Invite You To Come And Join Us At The
Great Walk In Solidarity With Immigrants
And Against House Bill HR 4437
Which If Passed, Would Make Any Assistance Given To
An Immigrant A Federal Crime
We Will Walk Across The Brooklyn Bridge From The Brooklyn Side Towards The Immigration Building At 26 Federal Plaza
April 1st, 2006
At 11:00 AM
(Subway Lines 2, 3, 4, 5 to Borough Hall)
For more information, please call:
Senator Ruben Diaz (718) 892-7513 or
Radio Vision Cristiana (973) 881-1130