Senator Saland And Assemblyman Joel Miller Join Local Officials To Announce $110,000 In Funding For Local Law Enforcement

Stephen M. Saland

Senator Steve Saland (R,C Poughkeepsie) and Assemblyman Joel Miller (R-Poughkeepsie) today joined members of the Pougkeepsie Town Police Department to announce $110,000 in funding to assist with the enhancement of their computer-based technology.

"Maintaining the safety and well-being of our citizens is a basic duty of government at all levels and is necessary to ensure our quality of life," said Senator Saland. "As such, it is essential for law enforcement to utilize the latest technology in order to successfully meet the daily challenges they face in protecting our communities. I will continue to work on behalf of departments in my district to secure the funding they need for state-of-the-art equipment.

"It is crucial that we give our law enforcement officers the tools they need to serve and protect our communities. This money will be invaluable in providing officers in the field with instantaneous information they desperately need to make quick decisions. I applaud the Town of Poughkeepsie Police Department for its dedication and hard work in keeping our families safe. Rest assured, I will continue to support our brave men and women in uniform in this town and throughout the state," said Assemblyman Miller.

The Town of Poughkeepsie Police Department will use the $110,000

grants secured by Senator Saland and Assemblyman Miller to install high speed data capabilities linking the server at headquarters and the mobile data terminals in the patrol vehicles.

"I would like to thank Senator Saland and Assemblyman Miller for their continued efforts in helping our department work to create a safer community for our residents," said Chief Pete Wilkinson, Chief of Police for the Town of Poughkeepsie. "The Town of Poughkeepsie will be using the allocated funds to assist with the enhancement of our computer based technology which will dramatically increase our current work proficiency and provide for the advance capabilities that are part of Automated Vehicle Locator (AVL), Electronic Ticket and Accident Reports (TACS) and Incident Based Reporting (IBR). We appreciate the invaluable continued support that Senator Saland and Assemblyman Miller provide to the law enforcement community."

"Assemblyman Miller and I are very pleased to have secured this funding for the men and women of the Town of Poughkeepsie Police Department who put their lives on the line everyday," said Senator Saland. "I am hopeful that their tireless efforts will be assisted by these additional resources. We appreciate their dedication in making the town a better place to live and work."