Legislation Introduced To Address Tilcon

Thomas P. Morahan

Senator Thomas P. Morahan has introduced two pieces of legislation in the New York State Senatewhich seeks toaddress the insolent expansion by Tilcon immediately adjacent to residential neighborhoods.
The first Bill requires that plans for mining expansion be submitted to Town or Village Boards, and Townor Village Planning Boards in advance of any such expansion, the clear cutting of trees or foliage, or the distrubance of existing topography.
The second Bill requires the State Department of Environmental Conservation to, upon request of the local municipality, have a local hearing on the issuance or renewal of any mining permit. This would esnure that residents would have a say in the planning that affects their community.
"We need to legislatively provide the localcommunity with an ability to express their views about the rock quarry, at which time they can comment on any areas of concern including air quality, noise caused by blasting, and the operation's environmentalimpact on the quality of their lives," saidSenator Morahan.