Senator Kicks-off Youthfest In Rockland County

Thomas P. Morahan

Thousands of Hudson Valley residents attended YouthFest activities at the Field House of Rockland Community College. The five-hour eventoffered young people an opportunity to interface with experts, counselors and other support personnelwhoshared information about health initiatives, recreational opportunities, community service, and higher education programs. Senator Thomas Morahankicked off YouthFest activities. He alsorepresented the State Legislature by proclaiming National Youth Violence Prevention Week in New York, a resolution he sponsored.

He was joined by Jennifer Brady, who heads a national consortium of agencies which sponsor violence prevention activities.The Senator told the YouthFest audience that child violence continues to be one of the nation’s most serioius domestic problems, with tragic acts of youth violence occuring with increasing frequency and senselessness, destroying innocent lives and devasting families and communities.
