Senator Dale M. Volker Advances Bill To Stop Human Trafficking

William T. Stachowski

(ALBANY, N.Y.) Senator Dale M. Volker (R-C-I, Depew) today advanced legislation that would deter human trafficking, sex tourism and related activities; and to punish those who engage in human trafficking and promoting sex tourism, and those who patronize trafficking victims for prostitution.

"On February 2, 2006, the Senate Committee on Codes commenced a public hearing to discuss human trafficking in New York State and what we need to do as a legislative body to address this criminal activity," said Senator Dale M. Volker. "Those who testified confirmed our suspicions that this illegal behavior continues to thrive and destroy the innocence of our fellow men, women and children. The destructive consequences of human trafficking continues to be uncovered on a daily basis and the need for the State of New York to take a proactive look and a legislative response to those who participate in this repulsive enterprise is warranted."

Senator Volker’s, whose a co-sponsor of this legislation, adds a new section to New York State’s penal law, which creates the crimes of human trafficking for involuntary labor servitude and involuntary sexual servitude, promoting human trafficking, patronizing a trafficking victim, and promoting sex tourism. It also provides for restitution and assistance to trafficking victims; amends the executive law to include trafficking victims in the definition of "victim" for purposes of crime victim compensation; amends the civil practice law and rules to provide for the seizure and forfeiture of the assets of traffickers. This legislation will also amend the penal law and criminal procedure law to include human trafficking as a predicate crime for enterprise corruption.

"I am committed to pass this legislation in the State Senate that will put an end to "Human Trafficking" and help those victims of this predatory and barbaric illegal behavior, and provide our law enforcement agencies the needed legislative tools to severely punish those who perpetuate in this vicious cycle of victimization of the innocent. I look forward to working with the State Assembly in order to reach consensus on this bill so that those who are engaged in this exploitation of women and children are swiftly and severely punished."