Thompson Responds To Imus Controversy

Antoine M Thompson

Buffalo, NY- Antoine M. Thompson, New York State Senator 60th District (Erie & Niagara Counties), expressed his concern and dissatisfaction for the racist and derogatory remarks made by MSNBC talk show host Don Imus towards the mostly black Rugters women’s basketball team.

"It is astonishing that in this day and age such a public figure would display such ignorance and bigotry."
Thompson has been an active member of the NAACP and the Afro-American Historical Association among many other civil rights organizations for years. Thompson has written letters requesting the State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli and Governor Spitzer to provide information as to how much New York State invests within the entertainment industry.

According to Thompson, "The State Legislature has a responsibility to determine if such companies, whether they are in radio, film or television, promote derogatory or inflammatory entertainment venues…and if so, to respond accordingly by divesting in those businesses." Thompson hopes that with this knowledge state officials will pass legislation in order to prevent controversies such as Don Imus’ to continue to occur in the media.