Thompson Supports Governor’s Workers Compensation Reform Bill

Antoine M Thompson

Albany, NY-

Antoine M. Thompson, New York State Senator, 60th District (Erie & Niagara County), expressed his support in favor of Governor Spitzer’s Workers Compensation Reform Bill Number S3322 passed on March 6rd 2007.

Bill Number S3322 would improve the claims process by stream lining the administrative process: including that initial determinations should be made within ninety (90) days, updating medical protocols for consistency and best practices, and improving access to claimants for appropriate imaging services.

"I am happy to be involved with this as an agent for change…It’s been almost fifteen (15) years since any provisions have been made for injured workers and their families an opportunity to temporarily maintain and/or sustain their quality of life,"
stated Antoine M. Thompson, New York State Senator, 60th District.

The legislation also increases the injured worker’s minimum benefits for permanent or temporary partial disability and permanent or temporary total disability from $40 per week to $100 per week. In addition to increasing death benefits other intention of the legislation are aimed at imposing time limits on the currently unlimited "permanent partial disabilities" payment.

In addition to this, Bill Number S3322 also creates a presumption that medical services will continue after indemnity payments expire and places the burden on the carrier in an effort to discontinue or suspend medical services. The starting date will be deemed to be the date of termination partial disability, not the date of injury. This bill seeks for medical care to be continued for the lifetime of permanent partially disabled employees.

Senator Antoine M. Thompson states,

"It is favorable for my constituents to be provided with such assurance of benefits, and I look forward to seeing this happen."