Nylcv Names Sen. Carl L. Marcellino An Environmental Star Of 2007

Carl L Marcellino

New York, New York --- The New York League of Conservation Voters, the political voice for New York’s environmental community, has named Sen. Carl L. Marcellino (R-Nassau/Suffolk counties) an Environmental Star of 2007 for his efforts to ensure that all New Yorkers can enjoy clean air, more open space and a better quality of life.

"By working with colleagues on both sides of the aisle, Senator Marcellino helped forge consensus where there had been little in the past," said Marcia Bystryn, executive director of NYLCV. "As a result, communities across the state will benefit from his leadership."

As chairman of the Environmental Conservation Committee, Sen. Marcellino sponsored legislation to create Global Warming Index Labels, the New York Sea Level Rise Task Force, the New York Climate Change Task Force and the New York Invasive Species Council. He also led the fight to expand the Environmental Protection Fund by $50 million, through legislation that Gov. Eliot Spitzer signed last week.

Sen. Marcellino said: "It is a pleasure to be recognized by the New York League of Conservation Voters as one of their Environmental Stars. I look forward to continuing to work in a bipartisan manner to protect the health of New Yorkers, safeguard and improve the quality of our environment and preserve our natural resources. Thank you for this honor."

Sen. Marcellino was one of six lawmakers, representing both parties and houses, recognized for their support of the environment. Among the other Environmental Stars of 2007 are: Assemblyman Adam Bradley (D-Westchester County), Assemblyman Sam Hoyt (D-Erie County), Sen. Vincent Leibell (R-Dutchess/Westchester/ Putnam counties); Sen. Dean Skelos (R-Nassau County); and Assemblyman Bob Sweeney (D-Suffolk County).


The New York League of Conservation Voters (NYLCV) was founded in 1989 as a non-partisan, policy making and political action organization that works to make environmental protection a top priority with elected officials, decision makers, and voters by evaluating incumbent performance and endorsing and electing environmental leaders to office in New York State.