Johnson Announces Passage Of School Allergy Prevention Act
ALBANY – Senator Craig M. Johnson, (D-Port Washington), proudly announces the passage of legislation to protect children by severely limiting their exposure to substances that could trigger severe – and possibly deadly – allergic reactions in schools.
The Allergy and Anaphylaxis Management Act of 2007, (S298-A), which Johnson co-sponsored, was approved in the Senate Thursday by an unanimous vote.
The measure mandates the adoption of statewide procedures that would limit exposure to foods and environmental conditions that in some children could cause anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that causes breathing difficulties, a drop in blood pressure and shock, among other ailments.
Approximately 100 deaths each year are attributed to these types of allergic reactions, said Johnson.
“Many parents of children that face these difficulties have taken great pains to make their homes as safe as possible, only to live in fear each time their sons or daughters step onto the school bus,” said Johnson, who first tackled this issue as a member of the Nassau County Legislature. “This legislation will be able to offer the safe environment that our children need and the peace of mind that their parents deserve.”
Under this bill, schools will also be required to have individualized plans for each child with severe food allergies, and appropriate school employees will receive the training needed to treat a child overcome with severe allergic reactions.
The bill has also been passed in the Assembly.