Response To Misinformed Article On Firearms By The New Yorkers Against Gun Violence

Dale M. Volker

This letter is in response to Ms. Robin Ringler from the New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, who portrayed Senator Dale M. Volker as not supportive of police officers and only representing gun dealers. I would not have responded to Ms. Ringler’s complete false allegations against the Senator and myself. However, the vindictiveness and the angry tone, coupled with a complete disregard for the truth, compels me to respond and set the record straight.

First, to make political points at the expense of the truth is a sad reflection on her part. I personally met with Ms. Ringler and I am the so-called "Volker’s Assistant" that she mentions in her article. Let me say that Ms. Ringler completely misinterpreted my statements, took great liberty with their meaning and is completely disingenuous in portraying Senator Volker’s position on the legal sales of firearms; as well as Senator Volker’s long distinguished support of our law enforcement professionals who put their lives on the line everyday.

The New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, whose only goal in life, is to limit law-abiding New Yorkers from exercising their right to keep and bear arms granted to us under the 2nd Amendment. Unfortunately, this organization is fixated on focusing their energies to go after legitimate gun owners, legal gun dealers, the types of firearms and the ammunition they use. Legal New York gun owners and firearm dealers, who must pass all the local, state and federal gun control regulations and get through the extensive licensing and registration system in New York State; are not the ones responsible for criminals getting guns. New York State has the most stringent gun control laws in the nation; yet, The New Yorkers Against Gun Violence continues to focus their efforts to place more and more regulations on law-abiding gun owners, gun dealers and sportsmen, instead of supporting "get tough" legislation on the criminals who use illegal firearms.

Like Ms. Ringler, I went home after our meeting and tried to figure out why must Ms. Ringler continue to support and defend the criminals that use illegal weapons in the first place? Rather than urge her fellow Democrats in the New York State Assembly to pass and fund illegal gun trafficking legislation and programs to keep illegal guns out of the hands of the thugs that use them, she goes after the people who legally use firearms in a safe and responsible manner.

This brings us to what about the cops and our law enforcement community. Anyone in law enforcement around this state knows full well that Senator Volker has been one of law enforcement's biggest supporter and defender. From securing funds to prevent domestic violence and resources to tackle the scourge of drugs, to earmarking millions of dollars to take illegal guns off the street and increasing the penalties for those criminals who use illegal guns during their crime sprees, there has never been a State Senator more proactive in protecting our police than Senator Volker. Regardless of the truth when it comes to legal gun owners, gun dealers and sportsmen throughout New York State, the facts are the facts...Criminals use illegal guns to kill and maim, not law-abiding gun owners and dealers. Enough said.


Craig J. Miller

Director of Communications

Senator Dale M. Volker’s Office