Senator Volker Announces The Passage Of Legislation Reauthorizing Power Plant Sitings

Dale M. Volker

ALBANY, NY) Senator Dale M. Volker (R-C-I, Depew) announced today The New York State Senate today approved legislation (S.5908), that would reauthorize the state’s Article X law that applies to the siting of major electric generating facilities to help meet the demand for power by residents and businesses in New York State. The law expired on January 1, 2003.

"New York is lagging when is comes to building new power generating facilities compared to many of our neighboring states," said Senator Dale M. Volker. "The need for consistent clean and efficient power is a key component to reinvigoratingn our economy. More power generating facilities means more affordable power for businesses and residential customers alike. It also has an additional benefit as employment opportunities for our residents will significantly increase based on the need for skilled construction professionals, administrative positions, engineers, and spin-off economic development opportunities."

The Senate's power plan siting bill would be submitted to public conference committee negotiations with the Assembly to reconcile differences between bills passed by the two houses.

Article X of the Public Service Law and its regulations establish a framework for the application, review, and approval process for any entity that seeks to construct and operate an electric generating facility with a capacity of 80 megawatts (mw) or more in New York State. The article sets forth certain requirements that an applicant must meet in order to obtain a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need, which is required before construction of such a facility may begin. Construction of new power plants, in addition to enhancing the overall reliability of the State's electric system, may also have a net positive effect on the environment.

The Senate's Article X siting bill is supported by the Energy Association of New York State, which said that the bill improves on the expired law and "will actually work to attract the capital and build the generation infrastructure that is even more critically needed now than when the bill was first crafted."

The bill was sent to the Assembly.
