Sen. Alesi Appointed To Budget Conference Committee

James S. Alesi

Senator Jim Alesi (R-Perinton) today announced he was selected by Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno to sit on the Taxes and Economic Development joint budget conference committee. Senator Alesi has been Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Economic Development and Small Business for eight years and is a small business owner himself.


"Taxes and economic development are two key issues that are especially important not just to my constituency, but the state as a whole," said Senator Alesi. "My appointment to this joint budget conference committee is a significant assignment because it allows me to work with my colleagues to steer money towards investments that will create jobs and cut taxes across New York State. I will use this opportunity to continue to be a strong voice for ensuring that the budget that we pass this year is fiscally responsible, lowers taxes for residents and businesses and invests in innovative economic development initiatives that will stimulate the economy across the state, but most notably in Upstate which continues to struggle."

Joint budget conference committee meetings are scheduled to begin as early as Wednesday to ensure an on-time budget.

"I am optimistic that we will be able to work through outstanding differences between the Assembly and Senate proposed budgets in a timely manner to ensure that we deliver a budget that is not just on-time, but is responsible and provides for critical programs and services without raising taxes on working families and businesses," said Senator Alesi. "I look forward to beginning the joint conference committee process and working toward producing a budget that adequately funds our schools, our healthcare system, addresses critical transportation issues and invests in our economy while lowering taxes."
