Senator Alesi Secures Funding For Rochester’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Senator Jim Alesi (R- Perinton) today announced he has secured $5,000 for the 30th Annual Rochester St. Patrick's Day Parade and Celtic Faire.
"I am extremely pleased that I was able to help the parade committee again this year," said Senator Alesi. "The Rochester St. Patrick's Day Parade is one of the largest and most well attended events in Rochester, next to the International Jazz Festival. I cannot begin to say what a fantastic job the parade committee has done. They have gone above and beyond all expectations. This year's parade is sure to be something special and I'm glad I am able to be a part of that."
The funding secured by Senator Alesi will be used to assist with the costs of bands, Celtic Faire entertainment, parade publications, and logistical planning. In addition to Irish entertainment this year's parade will improve on its cultural and community value, as well as visual appearance. The theme of this year's parade is: "The Irish Influence in Rochester". The story of the Irish American experience will be told by divisional banners acknowledging various aspects of civic contribution by Irish immigrants and Irish Americans. It will convey the uniquely close ties that have and will always exist between Ireland and America.
"On behalf of the Parade Committee I would like to express our thanks for Senator Alesi's caring support of this event", said Parade President Tom O'Connell. "We are committed to putting a quality event together for the community. The costs associated with the parade can be significant. This includes the costs of at least 10 bands, Celtic Faire entertainers as well as security and promotions. When you step back and take a look at all of this, you really begin to see how much this funding helps."
The Rochester St. Patrick's Day Parade remains one of the most popular and well attended community events in the area. Between parade participants, parade enthusiasts, and associated vendors, last year's event brought out a record crowd of an estimated 100,000 people.
Senator Alesi has been instrumental in assisting a number of local Irish organizations. For his efforts he was presented with the Community Leader Award by the Rochester St. Patrick's Day Parade Committee in March of 2000.