Mt Markham School Gets Name Change

James L. Seward

The state senate has approved legislation to change the legal name of the Bridgewater, Leonardsville, West Winfield Central School District to the Mount Markham Central School District. Senate bill 6028 is sponsored by Senator James L. Seward (R/I/C - Milford) in the senate and Assemblyman Magee in the assembly (A8918).

"This legislation was drafted to dispel any confusion that stems from the school district operating under two separate names for the past thirty years," Seward said.

For the past thirty years, the school district has operated under the legal name of the Bridgewater, Leonardsville, West Winfield Central School District, however it has simply been referred to by residents as the Mount Markham Central School District.

The two different names have led to confusion. The school district is required to use its legal name when it files reports with the New York State Education Department, when it applies for grants, and when it enters into contracts. However, the signs on the district's building, the diplomas awarded at graduation, the school buses, and the uniforms worn by athletic teams are emblazoned with the name "Mount Markham Central School District."

"It is about time that the Mount Markham Central School District is able to be recognized legally and identified by members of the community under a single name," Seward said. "It's just common sense that New York State law catches up to local tradition."

The legislation was also passed by the assembly and now goes to the governor.