Senate Okays Otsego Tax Bill
The New York State Senate has approved legislation filed by State Senator James L. Seward that would provide Otsego County with explicit authorization to issue refunds to taxpayers for the county's overbilling of 2007 property taxes. Senate bill 3415 was passed March 28.
"The county board has asked for the legislation, and the state senate has complied with the board's request for specific home rule legislation that would grant them the authority to issue refunds," Senator Seward said.
"Since the issue was brought to my attention for a state response, I have worked with the county board with the goal of getting results for the taxpayers who paid too much in taxes due to errors and miscommunication and who deserve refunds," Seward said.
The measure is pending in the assembly.
The state senate has already passed a massive property tax relief plan that expands the senate-initiated property tax relief rebate program to provide $2.6 billion in property tax relief this year and $3.4 billion in 2008.
"People pay too much in property taxes, and we need to provide checkbook relief wherever possible," Seward said.
Seward says the final budget plan must include property tax relief.