Seward Announces Sharon School $$

James L. Seward

New York State Senator James L. Seward announced today that Sharon Springs Central School will receive funding to improve energy efficiency and save district taxpayers money. Seward said the district would receive a $65,000 grant to replace lighting and add occupancy sensors at the school.

"When we can help school districts reduce energy consumption and save dollars, we're helping taxpayers and our environment both," Seward said. "This is a good investment in energy efficiency and it will provide year after year benefits."

The New York State Power Authority performed an energy audit under its "Power to Schools" program. The preliminary site survey identified energy conservation opportunities, which will result in energy cost savings for the facility of over $4,400 annually. The audit proposed a high efficiency lighting upgrade that would preserve the original lighting distribution and intensity for the entire facility.

Renovations will require the replacement of all of the T12 fluorescent fixtures in the school with new, energy efficient fluorescent units. The new fixtures will contain energy efficient lamps and electronic ballasts throughout the building. By replacing the units, the school will experience a drop in energy demand by 54 watts per fixture. In addition, occupancy sensors will be installed in all the classrooms, art rooms and offices.

No state tax dollars are involved in the grant. The award was financed through Petroleum Overcharge Restitution (POCR) funds, established from proceeds of court settlements relating to major oil company violations of federal price controls in the 1970s and 1980s. The New York Power Authority (NYPA)administers the funds in New York State.

"This is a win-win arrangement for the school, for energy demand, and for taxpayers as the district realizes cost savings over many years," Seward said.

Seward is former chairman of the Senate Energy Committee, where he championed measures to promote efficiency and conservation.