Seward Poll: No Drivers’ Licenses For Illegals

James L. Seward

    Senator James L. Seward's on-line poll shows overwhelming opposition to Governor Spitzer's plan to issue drivers' licenses to illegal immigrants, Seward said today.
    Seward asked residents of his district to register their views in an on-line poll at his web site -- The question was "Do you support the governor's proposal to issue drivers' licenses to illegal aliens?"

    "The results are pretty clear so far," Seward said. "Eight hundred (800) respondents registered their opposition to the governor's plan, 28 indicated support and 9 were unsure. That's rather overwhelming, I would say."

    This week the New York State County Clerks' Association voted to oppose the governor's plan as well.
"They should be commended for courageously standing up to the governor’s misguided policy to provide drivers' licenses to illegal aliens, and for doing the right thing by their constituents who elected them to office," Seward said. "The governor's plan was developed by one man in a room, and in secret, without seeking any counsel or advice from the state legislature or from county clerks who would be required to administer the change."

    Seward said residents of his district can still vote in his on-line poll by going to and clicking on "Your Opinion Counts."