Bonacic: Legislature Must Address Property Tax Reform Before Session Ends

John J. Bonacic


State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/I/C - Mount Hope) has called upon the Senate, Assembly, and Governor to act on reforming the real property tax laws before the Legislature breaks just two weeks from now.

"Studying this issue doesn’t resolve it. The people of this State have spoken and what they need is for their legislators to provide substantial relief from overburdening property taxes. There are already a myriad of legislative proposals ready to be passed that will help taxpayers, yet they are being ignored," stated Senator Bonacic.

Senator Bonacic said that last year and back in 1994, the Senate passed legislation to permanently change the way in which our schools are funded and rid homeowners in high tax areas of the property tax. "Yet, the Assembly leadership, year after year have stood silent on this issue and refuses to even consider bills that are sponsored by its Majority members," continued Senator Bonacic.

"Not too long ago, I was one of a few lone voices in the Legislature talking about property tax reform, now it is a rallying cry around the State. Therefore it is difficult to understand why the Assembly leadership is unwilling to offer their own constituents relief," Bonacic said. "Property tax reform does not come with simply bigger rebates, it comes with substantive change--change that only the Senate Majority has voted on now for more than a decade."

"I hope that one day the people who control the Assembly realize that in Rosendale, people want more than a rebate, they want a permanent change in the property tax system," Senator Bonacic continued. "In Monticello, people want more than a rebate. In Middletown, people want more than a rebate. In the Adirondack, western New York, and Capital regions, people want more than a rebate."

"Senator Bonacic concluded, "New Yorkers can no longer wait for reform. How many more seniors have to decide whether or not to buy groceries and/or medicine or pay their property taxes? How many more foreclosures in New York must occur? How many more young people trying to realize the American dream have to be turned down for a mortgage because the payment is too high due to the taxes? This is my wake-up call to Legislative leaders and the Governor--we must act now!"