Bonacic: Senate Passes Resolution Urging New York's Congressional Delegation To Oppose President Bush's Health Care Cuts

John J. Bonacic

State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/I/C - Mount Hope) announced today that the New York State Senate today passed a legislative resolution urging New York’s Congressional delegation to oppose President Bush’s plan to cut the federal health care budget by more than $100 billion over five years.

Senator Bonacic said that President Bush’s budget plan would cut payments to New York hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, hospices, and inpatient rehabilitation providers by $2.8 billion over the next five years.

"Providing quality, affordable health care for all New Yorkers has always been a priority," stated Senator Bonacic. "These proposed cuts in aid to New York’s hospitals, nursing homes and home care agencies in President Bush’s budget plan would be devastating to these institutions, and would endanger the availability and quality of care in communities throughout New York State."

Senator Bonacic also expressed serious concerns about the impact of almost $1.3 billion in health care cuts as proposed by Governor Eliot Spitzer.

"I was pleased to lend my support to this resolution, as the costs of providing health care services is increasing. We, at the State and the federal level, must do all we can in order for New Yorkers to have access patient-centered care in their own communities," concluded Senator Bonacic.