Bonacic: Several Ulster County Municipalities To Receive Additional State Aid Under Budget
At the request of several local officials, State Senator John Bonacic worked to secure $190,000 in additional State aid for various municipalities.
The funding consists of:
$30,000 for the Village of New Paltz secured at the request of Mayor Jason West. The funding will be used for programs focusing on at-risk youth.
Mayor West said, "With Senator Bonacic’s help, we will now be able to fund a summer drug and alcohol prevention program with Family of New Paltz, begin free movies in the park with our Youth Commission and send several emotionally traumatized children from St. John Boscoe Home to summer camp."
$25,000 for the Town of Rosendale secured at the request of Town Supervisor Bob Gallagher. The funding will be used to purchase a police vehicle.
$30,000 for the Town of Ulster secured at the joint request of Town Councilman Joel Brink and Town Clerk Jason Cosenza. The funding will be used to purchase playground equipment at the Robert E. Post park.
$40,000 for the Town of Saugerties secured at the request of Town Supervisor Greg Helsmoortel and County Legislator Joe Roberti. The funding will be used to help build a Veterans memorial, provide equipment to local youth sports leagues, make improvements to the Esopus Bend Nature Preserve, and assist the Saugerties Chamber of Commerce.
$65,000 to the Town of Woodstock secured at the request of Town Supervisor Jeremy Wilber. The funding will be used to make improvements to the Town youth center and historical society building.
Councilman Brink said, "Some of the playground equipment at the Robert E. Post park was beyond repair. This funding will assist in expanding the playground and will mean our children can play in a safe, clean park using new equipment. I was pleased to work with Senator Bonacic to help prioritize this funding."
Robert E. Post park is located on Ulster Landing Road near the Hudson River and consist of approximately 12 acres for public use.