Senate Boosts Environmental Protection Fund

John J. Bonacic

State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/I/C - Mount Hope) last week voted in favor of increasing New York State’s Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) from $250 million to $300 million by State fiscal year 2009-10.

"The EPF is crucial to many environmental programs important to the people of the Hudson Valley, such as purchasing open space, farmland protection, and pollution prevention," stated Senator Bonacic. "We must continue to strive to clean and protect the beauty and resources of our region and State."

The legislation, Senate bill 5304, permanently strengthens the EPF by balancing future land development with increased fiscal support.

Other programs that the EPF provides financial support for include: municipal recycling, non-point water pollution control, farmland preservation, local waterfront revitalization, community forestry, brownfields, and rural, urban, and suburban parks and historic preservation. This legislation passed both houses of the Legislature and will be delivered to the Governor for his consideration.

"Our future generations will be greatly impacted by what policies are implemented today. Therefore, it is my hope the Governor will sign this into law. I was pleased to support this measure that will provide a much-needed financial boost to the EPF," concluded Senator Bonacic.