Technology School To Receive Boost Under State Budget

John J. Bonacic

State Senator John J. Bonacic and William J. Larkin, announced that as part of the budget $250,000 will be provided to Ulster County BOCES to help develop a regional technology school for Hudson Valley students.

The school, known as the Hudson School of Math, Science & Engineering, was proposed by State Senator Bonacic and Senator Larkin last year. Legislation to authorize the school has been passed in the Senate. The school would be a regional partnership between schools in Ulster and Orange Counties which would allow students to focus on technology related job development.

The Albany area already has a technology based school, known as Tech Valley High. New York City also has several specialized technology based schools. "Between New York City and Albany is the Hudson Valley. Our region is primed for development of technology. The next step in this process is to map out how the school would run, which school districts want to participate, siting the school, plan the technology equipment which is necessary, and develop an educational curriculum. This funding is the bridge that takes the school from a concept in a legislative bill to a reality for our students," Senator Bonacic said.

"The Hudson School of Math, Science & Engineering is crucial to the Hudson Valley's future development and I am very pleased that the Senate was able to provide this funding to Ulster County BOCES." said Senator Larkin. "With outstanding programs such as this in development, our students will be able to compete with any region of the country for future jobs, training and higher education."

Ulster BOCES Superintendent Martin Ruglis, a strong proponent of the plan, requested the funding as part of the development of the school.

"We need to have our Hudson Valley students prepared for the jobs of the 21st century. We need to give them the entrepreneurial spirit and technology background so they can create and retain those jobs here in the Hudson Valley. That is what the Hudson School of Math, Science & Engineering is all about," Senator Bonacic said.