Serrano Continues Advocacy On Behalf Of Mitchell Lama Residents
Senator José M. Serrano participated in "The Bronx is Our Home: Preserving Mitchell Lama Housing," a community forum held September 29 at Fordham University. The event was sponsored by The Bronx Mitchell-Lama Task Force.
The Task Force was started by Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion. Senator Serrano is a member of the Task Force along with other local elected officials and community leaders.
"We must do all we can to protect affordable housing in the Bronx, and Mitchell-Lama is an integral part of that fight," said Senator Serrano. "Our government has a responsibility to establish and protect affordable housing, and especially during a period of overheated real estate speculation."
The Senator commended the work of the Mitchell Lama Task Force, Tenants & Neighbors and other groups who have come together to give hope, educate and empower residents to take action and advocate for their rights.
The introductory panel featured representatives from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the State Division of Housing and Community Renewal and the City Department of Housing Preservation and Development. Break-out workshops included: Mitchell-Lama basics; legislative issues; how to form a tenant association and organize your building, and strategies to fight a buyout.