Rochester Area Colleges Launch Web Site To Assist Regional Economic Development

Joseph E. Robach

Rochester Area Colleges, a consortium of 18 colleges and universities, has launched a new Web site to assist the region's economic development efforts. The Web site,, will provide economic development organizations, site selectors, corporations, and individuals a Web-based gateway to the multitude of resources provided by Rochester's academic institutions.

The Web site was made possible with a $50,000 state grant secured by State Senator Joseph Robach and a similiar amount from his Assembly colleagues. In addition, the County of Monroe Industrial Development Agency provided $5,000 to support marketing efforts for the new site.

Pictured from L to R with Senator Robach is Geneseo College President Chris Dahl, Monroe CountyExecutive Maggie Brooks, Roberts Weslyn College President John Martin, and a representative from Technology Consulting Network, the software and technology support group.