Senator Robach And Mayor Duffy Announce $1 Million In State Funding For Completed Hemlock Lake Dam And Spillway Rehabilitation Project

Joseph E. Robach

Project Improved Overall Safety of Dam Used to Create Reservoir for City Water Supply

State Senator Joe Robach and Rochester Mayor Bob Duffy today announced that the City of Rochester will receive $1 million in funding from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Dam Safety Program to support the completed Hemlock Lake Dam and Spillway rehabilitation project. The total cost of the project was $1.38 million. The Dam Safety Program funds 75 percent of eligible costs up to $1 million.

“This rehabilitation project provides for the continued safety of the dam itself and the surrounding community, and also ensures clean and safe drinking water for residents in the City of Rochester,” stated Senator Joe Robach. “The City of Rochester recognized the urgent need to address necessary improvements to the dam and spillway. However, this funding will alleviate a substantial financial burden from City taxpayers.”

In April 1996, the City hired Bergman Associates to complete the planning and preliminary engineering work required to rehabilitate the Hemlock Lake Dam and Spillway. This was completed and a report issued in September 1996. In accordance with NYSDEC’s publication, Guidelines for Design of Dams, the report made recommendations for repairs including:

· Replacing existing stop logs with a fixed crest spillway

· Making structural modifications to the existing spillway and repair of deteriorated concrete

Final design of the project began in October of 1996 and was completed in April 1997. Construction began in August 1997 and was completed in 1999. The exclusive purpose of the project was to improve the overall safety of the dam and its appurtenant works, thereby minimizing the risk of failure and subsequent hazard to life and property located downstream of the dam. The project did not increase the water supply yield of Hemlock Lake.

“I am happy to join with Mayor Duffy on issues like this that affect residents in the City of Rochester. I look forward to continuing to work with the mayor to address the needs of the City and to help deliver the necessary resources to make sure Rochester remains a great place to live and work” Robach added.