Senator Robach Honors Brighton Resident, Jessie Marvin Lazeroff , As The Woman Of Distinction In The 56th Senate District

Senator Joe Robach presented Jessie Marvin Lazeroff with the 2007 Senate Woman of Distinction Award on August 22nd at 7pm at Brighton Town Hall as part of the New York State Senate’s annual "Women of Distinction" ceremony.
"Jessie Marvin Lazeroff is a pillar of the greater Rochester community. Throughout her life as a Rochester resident, she has worn many hats and has contributed so much in the areas of economic development, education and community service," stated Senator Robach.
Supervisor Frankel said, "Jessie represents the kind of dedication and commitment to improving the community quality of life that has made our area a great place to live, work and raise a family. Her business acumen and her efforts to build neighborhood strength and vitality have helped not only the City of Rochester, but the Rochester region. I congratulate her on her well deserved recognition."
From the women's suffrage movement 150 years ago to the present day, women have played a crucial role in New York State's political, social and economic development. The Senate is proud to recognize a small sample of the countless New York State women who are known for their groundbreaking achievements. This award helps honor the remarkable women of today throughout New York State.
Jessie has a long history of service to the Rochester community. She is probably best known in the Rochester area for her work as the manager for the Village Green Bookstore - an eclectic, renowned shop which was a Rochester trademark until it closed in the mid-nineties. Her successful management skills helped the store expand to six locations and sizably increased the revenue. Jessie took her experience and knowledge from the Village Green to the City of Rochester where she worked in the Economic Development Department as the Manager of the Commercial Neighborhood Division. While working for the City, Jessie played a fundamental role in revitalizing the downtown area and helped to establish several programs such as Exterior Improvement Program, Leasehold Improvement Program, Neighbors Shopping Neighborhoods and Business Assistance Program.
Through the years, Jessie has spent much of her time working toward improving the community. She served as President of the Monroe Avenue Merchant’s Association - an organization dedicated to the revitalization of the Monroe Avenue area. In this capacity, her contributions helped to make this area a thriving, cultural center in the City of Rochester. She also has served, and currently serves, on many boards and community organizations.
Robach added, "Jessie’s ingenuity and passion for improving the Rochester area, along with her generosity and humanitarian spirit, make her an excellent role model for those living in the 56th Senate District; and I am proud to present her with the 2007 Senate Woman of Distinction Award."
Should residents have a suggestion for the 2008 nominee, please contact Senator Robach via e-mail at robach@senate.state.ny.us.