From The Office Of State Senator Kevin Parker

Kevin S. Parker

Brooklyn, NY – As part of his annual Thanksgiving kick-off, State Senator Parker distributed turkeys to constituents of his district. The turkeys, each individually wrapped, were donated by Health Plus and Forest City Ratner. The majority of the turkeys were donated to community organizations and churches who distributed them to families in need within the community.

"After the success of last year’s project, we committed to doing even more to bring holiday cheer to the residents of this district," said Senator Parker. "I am pleased that we were able to meet and even surpass our goals."

In all, 250 turkeys were distributed to twenty five churches, civic organizations, schools and community boards. They totaled more than 2,000 meals prepared. A number of religious institutions also assisted in distributing turkeys throughout the community. Organizations who received donations included:

St Augustine's Church

Vanderveer Park UMC

Hebron SDA

New Life Tabernacle

New Hope Christian Fellowship

Mt. Zion Church of God

Tabernacle of Praise

Rugby Deliverance Tabernacle

Worldwide Evangelical Outreach

Hyde Park Church

Community Board 17

E. 34th St. Block Assoc

Ocean Ave. Tenants' Assoc.

Citizens for A Better Community

Fort Green/ Hazel Brook Senior Center

E. 25th St. Block Assoc.

Ave D Tenants Assoc.

Flatbush YMCA

Community Education Council 17

R & T Cleaning Services - Small Business Women and Men of Avenue D

Avenue D Merchants Assn


PS 181

PS 208