Golden Honors Marie Elizabeth Murdocq With New York State Senate Achiever’s Award
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin Golden (R-C, Brooklyn) last week honored Marie Elizabeth Murdocq as a recipient of the New York State Senate Achievers’ Award as part of Senate Disability Awareness Day. The prestigious award recognizes an individual’s ability to overcome personal physical challenges and honors her accomplishments on behalf of our community.
Senator Golden stated, "The Achievers’ Award is an honor that recognizes the triumph of individual’s over sometimes daunting physical challenges and is bestowed on those whose efforts serve as an example of courage, personal excellence and achievement for our entire community. I am honored to recognize Marie Elizabeth Murdocq who has overcome challenges and has been a young woman whom we can all be proud of in this community."
Marie Elizabeth Murdocq was born in Haiti on July 23, 1979 and was diagnosed with mild MR. Growing up, it was discovered that she had Articulation Deficit, and was an only child that was primarily raised by several baby sitters due to her mother’s passing shortly after her birth. Marie, at the age of six years old, came to the United States where she resided with her aunt and attended Public School 321 until she was fourteen years old. She then attended I.S. 61 for one year, then P.S. 373 K, where she remained until she graduated with a General Studies Diploma.
Marie remained with family and friends until 2002 when she enrolled and entered in Program Development Services, Inc. Marie currently resides in the supportive apartment program located in Brooklyn. Although Marie was first thought of as a shy person, in need of assistance with food shopping and household cleaning, she has become through hard work and determination, a confident young woman.
The staff of Program Development Service starting taking Marie to the library, recognizing her difficulty with reading, allowing for Marie to choose books that interested her. The staff worked consistently with Marie and slowly her reading started to improve. She then enrolled into reading classes at the Brooklyn Tabernacle. After about one and a half years, Marie began reading on her own. Marie is now able to maintain employment and enjoys the worlds of books.
Marie is currently working for Goodwill Industries as a salesperson, and requires the skill of reading for success in her job. Marie Elizabeth Murdocq continues to grow as an individual, and is enrolled in basic computer classes at the Guild for Exceptional Children. Marie has developed into a caring and outgoing individual who has set difficult goals for her life and works hard everyday at them.