Statement By Senator Marty Golden, Former Nypd Officer And Advocate For The Death Penalty For Cop Killers, On Guilty Verdict In Killing Of Nypd Detective Dillon Stewart
Brooklyn- State Senator Marty Golden (R-C, Brooklyn), a former New York City Police Officer, today issued the following statement:
"The jury's guilty verdict, and life sentencing, of Alan Cameron, who shot and killed Police Officer Dillon Stewart in cold blood, was the right decision. Justice has been served and a strong message was sent that New Yorkers will not tolerate such crimes against law enforcment officers. The life of Detective Dillon Stewart was cut short and we must never forget his service, his bravery and the ultimate sacrifice he made in the name of all New Yorkers. While I hope they can find solace in today's verdict, my deepest prayers go out to the Stewart family and friends."
"In the wake of the murder of Police Officer Dillon Stewart and Police Officer Daniel Enchautegui, I proudly led the successful passage of legislation to protect police officers who work each day to protect us and our families. I continue to advocate for the reinstatement of the death penalty for cop-killers in New York. I strongly believe that the death penalty will be the most effective of deterents, thus, guarding our police officers the way they should be protected in the line of duty."