Saland Reminds Columbia County Homeowners To Look For Their Star Rebates Checks
Starting September 10th, applications for the 2007 New York State Property Tax Rebate will be mailed to eligible homeowners. Included in the packet you will receive from the Department of Taxation and Finance is important information you will need to complete your application, including a unique "STAR code" that identifies your specific property, as well as instructions for filing your application on-line or through the mail. The deadline for applying is November 30, 2007.
Special information for senior homeowners: Seniors 65 years or older who receive the enhanced STAR exemption do not have to apply for their 2007 rebate. Those checks will be mailed automatically.
1 To find out how much your rebate check will be or for further information, go to Senator Saland's website at www.senatorsaland.com and click on the IMPORTANT PROPERTY TAX REBATE INFORMATION banner. Remember, your rebate check is in addition to the property tax relief you already receive through the STAR program, and which is on your school tax bill.
"As the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Education, I am keenly aware of the impact property taxes are having on New Yorkers. I am pleased to have helped secure this important property tax relief measure and I am working on ways to bring true reform to our broken property tax system," said Senator Saland.