Senator Saland Announce $37,600 For Rhinecliff Library
Senator Steve Saland (R,I,C Poughkeepsie), Chairman of the New York State Senate Education Committee, today announced that the Morton Memorial Library and Community House in Rhinecliff has been awarded $37, 600 in public library construction funds. The funds will enable the Morton Library to make facility upgrades and improvements.
"In addition to our homes and schools, libraries provide a strong foundation for learning in our communities," said Senator Saland. "As our community libraries respond to the needs of time, there is a growing need to upgrade and renovate these facilities. I am pleased to announce this important capital funding for the Morton Library, and I hope for years to come, children and adults alike will reap the benefits of an improved learning center."
This grant was made available by a $14 million capital fund for public library construction provided by the New York State Legislature in the 2006-07 State Budget.