Senator Saland Honors Former Local Official For Contributions To Important School Bus Law

Stephen M. Saland

Senator Steve Saland (R,I,C Poughkeepsie) today presented a pen certificate to the family of the late John Funk, former Supervisor of the Town of Stockport, honoring him for his contributions to legislation, that was signed into law last year, increasing penalties for the criminal sale of a controlled substance on school buses.

"John Funk was instrumental in the creation of this important legislation that further safeguards our children, said Senator Saland. "As a result of his efforts, children will be afforded the same protection on the school bus as they do on school grounds. Those who victimize students in any school setting should expect to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

Prior to the enactment of this law, "school grounds" was defined to include all school property as well as areas within 1000 feet of the school. A loophole in the law did not include school buses in the definition of school grounds. As a result, perpetrators caught with a controlled substance on a school bus could not be assessed a higher penalty. This legislation raised the penalty of sale of a controlled substance on a school bus to a Class B felony effective September 1, 2006.