Senator Steve Saland And Assemblyman Marc Molinaro Announce Their Bill To Honor Local Veterans Has Been Signed By The Governor

Stephen M. Saland

Senator Steve Saland (R,I,C Poughkeepsie) and Assemblyman Marc Molinaro (R,I,C Tivoli) have announced that the Governor has signed their bill, S.5958, to designate Route 9-H in Columbia County as the Columbia County Veterans' Memorial Highway.

"When I was first approached by representatives of the Korean War Veterans Association of Columbia County, who wanted to honor local veterans in this manner, I was pleased to offer my help in sponsoring the bill and shepherding it through the legislative process," said Senator Saland. "Our local veterans certainly deserve the public recognition they will receive once signage is erected proclaiming the road as the Columbia County Veterans' Memorial Highway", Saland continued.

"We must always remember the courage, dedication and fearless commitment of the brave men and women who have served in the armed services. The dedication of this highway pays tribute and honors our veterans for their selfless sacrifice to our Nation and its people," said Assemblyman Molinaro.

"On behalf of the members of the of the Korean War Veterans Association, Columbia County Chapter 283, and all the veterans of Columbia County, I wish to thank Senator Saland and Assemblyman Molinaro, and their staffs, for their efforts on behalf of this law. By the passing and signing of the bill, the veterans of Columbia County will now receive recognition of the sacrifices they made for their country. Whenever they drive on Route 9H, they and the general public, will be made aware of the contribution of the veterans of Columbia County," said John Neary, Commander, Korean War Veterans Association, Columbia County Chapter 283.

The bill requires the NYS Department of Transportation (DOT) to install and maintain the appropriate signage on the road. DOT is now in the process of having the signage designed and is determining proper placement on the road. The signage will then be manufactured in preparation for final installation.