New York Supply Of Blood Reaching Emergency Level
New York State Senator Thomas P. Morahan has been alerted by the New York Blood Center (NYBC) that the supply of blood has reached an emergency level. The NYBC's regional operations, which include Hudson Valley Blood Services, (responsible for providing blood to hospitals in the Bronx & Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess, Orange, Ulster & Sullivan Counties) has less than a 2 day supply of some blood types.
"I urge all those eligible in the Hudson Valley to donate blood immediately. Start these first weeks of the New Year with a resolution to give the gift of life and do your part this month during "National Volunteer Blood Donor Month," said Morahan. "Giving blood regularly - saves lives. There is no substitute for human blood ."
According to the NYBC, the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area requires nearly 2,000 volunteer donations daily to serve patients in our area hospitals. Supplies of O Negative and B Negative blood are severely diminished.
The NYBC has indicated that to avoid this situation "from getting worse, and the possibility of expanded blood rationing to area hospitals" people need to understand how important their blood donation is to the health of their neighbors and larger community. According to the NYBC, "four million Americans would die each year without donated blood being available. In fact, one of every three people will require a life-saving transfusion sometime in their life."
Blood and platelet donors must be at least age 16 years old in New York (17 years old in New Jersey), weigh a minimum of 110 pounds and be in generally good health. To locate a convenient donation location in the Hudson Valley, please call 1-800-933-BLOOD or go to www.nybloodcenter.org.