Senate Moves To Mandate Maximum Sentences For Parole Violators

Thomas P. Morahan

New York State Senator Thomas P. Morahan (R,C, I, New City) announcedNew York State Senate passage of legislation he introduced which requires that any individual who commits a felony while on parole be returned to prison to serve the maximum sentence on the original felony before the sentence for the subsequent felony commences.

Recent statistics from the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services indicate that between 2005 and 2006, the number parolees returned to prison for felony violations has gone up over 17%.

"It is staggering to learn that the number of individuals who commit serious crimes while on early release from prison is significantly rising. It is only fitting that these felons be recommitted to prison to serve the maximum term of their sentences. Upon completion, they would serve at least the minimum for any subsequent felony sentence before being considered for parole privileges again," said Senator Morahan.

"Felons who violate parole by being convicted of a new felony should be held fully accountable for their crimes. This legislation sends the clear message that there will be no free rides for repeat felons," said Michael E. Bongiorno, Rockland County District Attorney and President of the District Attorneys Association of New York State.
