Senator Morahan And State Mental Health Commissioner Launch National Depression Screen Day In Lower Hudson Valley

Thomas P. Morahan

New York State Senator Thomas P. Morahan, who chairs the NYS Senate Committee on Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, was joined by NYS Mental Health Commissioner Michael F. Hogan PHd, mental health officials and advocates, at the Tarrytown, NY side of the Tappan Zee Bridge, to kick-off National Depression Screening Day in the state. The theme, Preventing Suicide, has become a growing public health issue. The statistics are alarming: Approximately 30,000 Americans die by suicide annually; There is one suicide every 16 minutes and 88 suicides per day. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 25-34 year olds and the third leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds. To address these numbers National Depression Screening Day has been held annually.

Clinical depression is a common medical illness affecting more than 19 million Americans each year. Like screenings for other illnesses, depression screenings are urged as a routine part of healthcare. This October, the National Depression Screening Day Project anticipates over 85,000 people being treated at 3000 sites nationwide. NYS Senate Mental Health Committee Chairman Senator Thomas P. Morahan, joined by NYS Mental Health Commissioner Michael F. Hogan will officially launch New York's participation in National Depression Screening Day.

A unique, comprehensive depression screening program, developed by the NYU Child Study Center for area high schools will also be announced. The event will culminate with the presentation of the NYS Senate Liberty Medal to Mr. Ernie Feeney a Bridge Maintenance Supervisor for the Thr