Senator Morahan Named Chairman Of Mental Hygiene Conference Committee

Thomas P. Morahan

New York State Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno today appointed Senator Thomas P. Morahanto Chair the Mental Hygiene Conference Committee, one of ten joint conference committees with responsibility for reaching an agreement with Assembly on the 2007-08 State Budget. .

"Senator Morahan possesses a wealth of knowledge and expertise of New York’s mental health system and his commitment is second to none," said Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno. "As Chair of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Committee, Senator Morahan has shown leadership and advocacy, and I am very confident that as Chair of the Mental Hygiene Conference Committee, he will fight hard to ensure New York’s mental health system will get the results it needs and deserves in this year’s State budget."

For the past two years, Senator Morahan has Chaired the Senate's Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Committee. He will be working with his Assembly counterpart, Assemblyman Peter Rivera, Chair of the Assembly's Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Committee.

"Assemblyman Rivera and I have successfully reached agreements on two previous mental hygiene budgets. I am confident that we will once again resolve the differences between our budget and the Assembly budget so we can enact a new budget before April 1st," said Senator Morahan.