Lanza Named Chairman Of The Senate Civil Service And Pensions Committee

Andrew J Lanza

Senator Andrew Lanza (R - Staten Island) was today named Chairman of the Senate Civil Service and Pensions Committee. This key appointment will allow the Senator to take the lead in advancing important pension legislation and civil service issues which affect state and local government employees.

"I would like to thank Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno for the honor of Chairing this important Senate Committee," said Senator Lanza. "I look forward to continuing the great work that former Chairmen, Senators Joseph Robach (R, C, I & WF - Rochester), Vince Leibell (R, C, I - Patterson) and Caesar Trunzo (R - Brentwood) did to protect the hard working people of New York’s government workforce."

"I am pleased to name Senator Lanza as the Chairman of the Senate's Civil Service and Pensions Committee. Senator Lanza has the trust and confidence of his colleagues to lead this important committee, and I know his vast experience with issues that are critical to both the state and local government workforce will benefit all New Yorkers," Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno said.

"This important committee assignment will give me a unique opportunity to serve the best interests of hardworking public employees including municipal workers, police officers, firefighters, sanitation workers, teachers and other employees who are currently employed or retired by New York’s state and local governments," Lanza said. "As the son of a retired NYPD police officer and husband of a public school teacher, I know that New York’s civil service workforce is the best in the world. This chairmanship will allow me to ensure that the people of Staten Island and New York State continue to be so well served."

Senator Lanza will continue to Chair the Senate Ethics Committee and Co-Chair the Legislative Ethics Commission. Lanza will remain a member following Senate Committees:

Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities

"My position on these key committees will allow me to advance the best interests of, and provide better opportunities for the people of Staten Island and New York State," Senator Lanza concluded.
