Antoine M. Thompson, Nys Senator, 60th District To Host A Roundtable With Michael Balboni, Nys Secretary Of Homeland Security

Antoine M Thompson

Buffalo-A Roundtable discussion has been scheduled to receive updates on Homeland Security issues as well as to discuss possible funding opportunities for the Western New York area.

“In this post 911 environment we should be glad to have this opportunity to have the  Secretary of Homeland Security sit down with us to discuss how we can better work together as a region,” said Senator Thompson. 

Invited guest include: Mayor Byron Brown, City of Buffalo,   Mayor Paul Dyster, City of   Niagara Falls, Mayor Ronald Pilozzi, City of Tonawanda, Grand Island Town Supervisor, Peter McMahon,  Commissioner, Commissioner,  Denise O’Donnell, Major Christopher Cummings, Troop Commander Troup A from Batavia, NY , Erie County Sheriff Timothy Howard and representatives from the Peace Bridge Authority, Niagara Falls Bridge Commission, Customs and Border Patrol, United States Border Patrol and representatives from regional Fire and Police Departments.

Who:            Senator Antoine M. Thompson, 
                    NYS Senator, 60th District

What:          Roundtable discussion with NYS 
                   Secretary of Homeland Security

Where:        1st Floor, Part 2, Mahoney State Office Building                   
                   65 Court Street, Buffalo

When:         Friday, May 30, 2008
                  10:45 A.M. – 11:45 A.M.