NYC School Governance Hearing

As you may be aware, Mayoral Control sunsets in June of 2009. Subsequently, the institution of Mayoral Control must be addressed by the New York State Legislature. The creation of the New York City School Governance Task Force and the intention behind this hearing was to learn the various opinions and viewpoints of the parties affected by Mayoral Control. Each member of the task force has held or is planning to hold a hearing to gather a consensus of the assorted positions on Mayoral Control throughout New York City.
The Manhattan Neighborhood Network, on channel 34, will rebroadcast our October 15, 2008 hearing on the following dates:
November 16, 2008 9:30 PM
November 30, 2008 9:30 PM
Participants at our hearing included; several members of the community, education advocacy groups, parents, teachers, and administrators and was broadcast live on the Manhattan Neighborhood Network. Some of the individuals present provided testimony expressing their thoughts and ideas about the current system of Mayoral Control and the ways in which the legislature can reform and improve the system. Respective individuals and groups had similar and sometimes competing viewpoints with respect to what aspects of Mayoral Control required adjustment or removal.
Many points of view were expressed and recommendations were made, including the formation of a commission to look into this further. Additional ideas included shifting power and responsibility to include not only the Mayor and Chancellor, but educators and parents. Others voiced their concerns that the schools are being run more like a business, rather than an environment that fosters learning and educational achievement.
I found the testimony from this diverse group very informative, and I’m sure you will too. I encourage you to click on the following links listed below to read a sample of the various testimonies given at the hearing.
Akinlabi Mackall.pdf
Briget Anne Rein Carmen Alvare zspoke.pdf
Evelyn Rich.pdf
Fernley A. Murray.pdf
Guy DeVeaux.pdf
Juanita Thomas.pdf
Julianne Polito.pdf
Lucia Stern.pdf
Richard Barr.pdf
Sam Anderson.pdf
Veronica Montgomery-Costa.pdf