Marcellino Announces "women Of Distinction"

Carl L Marcellino

Senator Marcellino today announced that Helen Crosson of Oyster Bay and Kathleen Roche of Huntington have been selected as 2008 New York State "Women of Distinction."

"I am proud to honor these distinguished Women of Distinction, and prouder still of the recognition they’ve earned from neighbors, colleagues and friends for their achievements on behalf of our community," said Senator Marcellino.

Kathleen Roche is the Founder and Executive Director of Rainbow Chimes Early Childhood Education and Care Center, in addition to being a registered nurse and ordained Interfaith minister. Helen Crosson is the Director of Cold Spring Harbor Library and Environmental Center, where she helped assist in its relocation to state lands.

"These women have success stories that we can proudly share with all New Yorkers. They serve as examples for achievement and excellence for our entire community. their names now join those of other women whose accomplishments, sacrifices and deeds on behalf of others are deserving of special honor," said Senator Marcellino.

Kathleen Roche and Helen Crosson were honored June 5 at an Albany reception, where their photographs and biographies will be displayed in a special public exhibit at the Legislative Office Building.

The Senate's "Woman of Distinction" program was created in 1998 to honor New York women who exemplify personal excellence, or whose professional achievements or acts of courage, selflessness, integrity or perseverance serve as an example to all New Yorkers.
