Senator Fuschillo: Governor Spitzer’s Budget Is Wrong For Long Island

Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

   Governor Spitzer again shows that he is out of touch with the needs of Long Island residents by proposing a state budget that slashes funding for Long Island schools, denies middle class homeowners a promised STAR rebate increase, cuts funding for hospitals, raises taxes and fees, and forces unfunded mandates on to local governments.  His budget is wrong for Long Island.

    Despite pledging not to raise taxes, the Governor’s budget includes more than $1.7 billion in tax and fee hikes that will add to the burden of all suburban homeowners.  His proposal increases taxes for people who buy homes, own homes, drive cars, pay health insurance, or own a small business.  

    The Governor's budget ignores the needs of Long Island homeowners struggling to pay their bills by delaying the promised increase in the Middle Class STAR rebate that would put money back in their hands.

    In his budget presentation, the Governor said that he is making education a priority, yet the Executive Budget drastically cuts funding for Long Island schools.  Less school aid amounts to still higher property tax rates for overburdened homeowners, and puts our children’s futures in jeopardy.  

    Health care cuts in the Governor’s budget could adversely impact the quality of health care at hospitals, emergency rooms and nursing homes.  A number of the Governor’s cuts would target the health services of fixed-income seniors, including pharmacy and managed care.

    The Governor’s Budget also would force cash-strapped counties to pay more through an unfunded mandate which requires them to pay two percent of public assistance costs now picked up by the State.  

    I have serious concerns about the Governor’s budget proposal, which spends too much, taxes too much and once again shows the Governor’s disregard for the needs of Long Island residents.